Earth Day Scout Service Project
Hillsdale-based Scout Troop 1 offered their muscles and tenacity at Friends of Terwilliger’s restoration site in the SW Bancroft right-of-way on EarthDay 2023.

8 friends and 6 scouts teamed up to remove 6,000 sq feet of ivy and other invasives while also planting a few native plants on the steep upper slope. This approx 1 acre right-of-way has been targeted by Friends of Terwilliger and Portland Parks & Rec to construct a garden of native plants documented by 19th century artist and Portland resident Frederick Walpole. See recent article about restoration plans here.
This volunteer effort continues work being done here, and will lead to an Explorer scout’s service project beginning in the coming weeks.
We are honored and thrilled to have our local scout community offering their volunteer efforts to help us install and maintain projects in this area.

Here’s the volunteers at the end of the 4 hour work party. A lot accomplished and worthy of a smile! Well done!