Help Preserve Our Parks by Donating!
We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible. All donations go directly to support our restoration, advocacy and outreach efforts.
Donate online: TerwilligerFriends.org/donate
Donate by mail: Send a check payable to “Friends of Terwilliger” to
3968 SW Condor Ave
Portland, OR 97239
Have a Fred Meyer Rewards card? Help us earn corporate donations by enrolling in Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards program. Follow this link, select “Re-enroll or Link your card now”, and organization code 86183 for Friends of Terwilliger. The regular reward points and rebates you earn for your own use won’t be reduced - but we’ll earn a share of their community donations.
Match your Friends of Terwilliger charitable donation with a donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and Double your impact while earning a tax credit for 2020!
Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) has joined other preservation non-profits such as Friends of Columbia Gorge, Friends of Silver Falls State Park, Portland Parks Foundation as an Oregon Cultural Trust partner. If you make a 2020 charitable donation to Friends of Terwilliger you can make an additional matching contribution to the Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT). The contribution to OCT will be returned to you as a 2020 Oregon Income tax credit. In addition, both the FOT and OCT donations qualify as federal charitable deductions should you itemize deductions on your income tax returns.
Created in 2001 by the Oregon Legislature, the Oregon Cultural Trust is an ongoing funding engine for arts and culture across the state. The Oregon Cultural Trust’s mission is “to lead Oregon in cultivating, growing and valuing culture by inspiring Oregonians to invest in a permanent fund that provides annual grants to cultural organizations through competitive Cultural Development Grants.” As a registered partner FOT is now eligible to submit grants to OCT.
For more information about how the Oregon Cultural Trust deduction works: https://vimeo.com/306297076#embed
For Friends of Terwilliger’s listing: https://culturaltrust.org/get-involved/nonprofits/friends-of-terwilliger