Continued Effort at Bancroft Street Right-of-Way
60+ volunteer hours were spent clearing and planting 200 native plants in the Bancroft St. right-of-way last month. And that’s only the start!
Over 20 Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) donated their time and muscles to work parties at this site in the Terwilliger Parkway. Though this area houses local gas and electricity utility lines, it’s a blank canvas for creating planting beds of native plants and trees. That was the idea behind FOT board member Bob Bonner’s 100+ volunteer hours doing prep work early on and organizing two work parties recently, to clear weeds and invasive plants and then install 200 native plants. Whew!
You’ve probably noticed the downed trees, invasive locusts, that were felled by PGE after Bob consulted Portland Parks & Rec (PP&R). What you may be surprised to see is a creative way to work these very large tree stumps into the plan. Have you seen the dragon-like eyes on the large logs? (it’s here in the middle of the photo)