Newest Terwilliger Parkway Residents: Please Slow Down as Animals Move through Park!

It’s spring in Portland. Time to enjoy all the blooming native plants and trees. It’s also the time we see newly-born animals and birds traveling through our area. Please slow down and follow the speed limit. Look out for this little ones and give them the space and care they need.
Friday morning we were treated to a family of ducks traveling through the Terwilliger Parkway and across Terwilliger Blvd. Luckily they had the expertise of a VA Medical Center policeman to help them traverse the busy Terwilliger Blvd traffic near the intersection with the US Veteran’s Road.
We want to express out deepest appreciation for this officer who stopped traffic to let the mom and her 10 ducklings make it safely across the road. While unusual to see ducks far from a water source, it’s not unheard of.
Other animals, including deer are also traversing through this linear city park: Terwilliger Parkway.
Please slow down and obey the posted speed limit of 25 mph. Help these native animals and birds safely pass and thrive.