Our Newest Board Member
Carol Henry, our new Board member and Treasurer, was talked into this volunteer job by former Treasurer, Cathy Turner, while they canvassed neighborhoods for Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) and pulled ivy together. A strong and positive bonding experience!
Carol is relatively new to Portland, having relocated with her husband Tim from Bethesda, Maryland in 2014. She and Tim live on SW Condor Avenue and often walk along Terwilliger for exercise and the enjoyment of being outside. She has found that FOT work parties are a great way to learn about the parkway, get rid of ivy and invasives, and allow multiple generations to work together improving our neighborhood – from Cub Scouts to old folks.
An area Carol would like to see improved for pedestrians, bicyclists, and even motorists, is the part of SW Condor connecting to Terwilliger: without a side walk and with lots of ivy and invasives.
Carol has a scientific background, working as a toxicologist in environmental health science and public health. She is pleased to be able to help FOT as Treasurer and looks forward to meeting other FOT members.