Preserving the Historic Road International Conference Tours Terwilliger Parkway
Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) was honored to guide participants of the “Preserving the Historic Road International” (PHRI) Conference on a tour of Terwilliger Parkway during their conference being hosted in Portland in late September.
(photo from 1912 bus tour)
Conference participants came from all over the country and a few from overseas. The Oregon Department of Transportation hosted the biannual conference and requested that FOT give their 65 participants a bus tour of the parkway with a couple stops along the way. Participants primarily represented state highway departments and academia, and FOT was able to benefit from their advice on how to protect the parkway.
PHRI’s mission is reflected in the Omaha Declaration adopted at its 2002 conference:
“Historic roads are vitally important cultural resources that embody significant developments in engineering, design and social history. Recognizing the important role that roads have played in our nation’s history, we believe that it is essential to develop strategies for managing historic road resources that combine a firm commitment to historic preservation with due respect for public safety and utility. Preserving historic roads enhances our understanding of the American experience, enriches our transportation system, and promotes beneficial social, economic and practical goals.” HistoricRoads.org
It is gratifying that ODOT clearly understands the importance of Terwilliger Parkway and Boulevard as a historic roadway of
importance to the city and the state.
Friends of Terwilliger would like to especially thank Heike Edossa and Steve Pixley with Portland Parks & Recreation, Bob Hadlow with ODOT, Michael Hatchell and Michael Harrions with OHSU. We couldn’t have done our part without the efforts of all of you! MANY thanks!