Safe ways to enjoy Terwilliger Parkway during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Throughout Portland, developed public parks and playgrounds are closed to limit the rate spread of Covid-19, but Terwilliger Parkway footpath and bike lanes are still open for use if we continue to practice social distancing. We can continue to walk, jog, or cycle in Terwilliger Parkway enjoying the nature and its splendid views as spring bursts forth, but let’s protect and look out for one another by practicing a few simple rules:
1) Maintain 6 ft separation between unrelated individuals at all times while walking, jogging or biking along Terwilliger. Although the Terwilliger path is nominally 8 ft wide that doesn’t always allow for a 6 ft separation of those passing others either in the same or opposite directions. Just step off the path, if others are approaching, to maintain the 6 ft barrier. Please stay out of the bike lane, unless you’re on a bike.
2) Always be mindful and give way to folks using mobility devices who need to stay on the paved path.
3) Do not use the paths if you are sick with a fever or cough. Stay home!
4) The corona virus can survive for days on metal surfaces. Drinking fountains, play equipment, Hamilton restroom are all unsafe to touch because someone with the infection may have touched them within the last 3 days.
5) If you are walking your dog, make certain that it maintains a 6ft distance from other passers-by. Also, you are always responsible for picking up your dog’s poop. Do not leave the poop bag along the path - as others cannot pick it up for you.
Friends of Terwilliger continues to work with Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) to restore year-round panoramic viewpoints from the path, including the ones photographed here, between Hamilton Street and Eagle Point. When cabin fever strikes, get out and enjoy them safely!