Terwilliger Connections
During our recent conversations with Parkway neighbors, we learned that many walk or jog on the Parkway. And some frequently include a side trail in their route, while others are unaware of those connectors. So here’s a quick quiz for you!
> How many official side trails connect to the Parkway?
> How can you walk directly between Terwilliger and Macadam, without crossing Barbur or I-5?
Portland Parks’ wonderful map of West Portland Trails shows a small yellow circle for each connection between two trails. (Page 2 of this map covers the length of Terwilliger Parkway.) The Terwilliger Parkway path is almost 3 miles, relatively level, with gradual ups and downs. The connector trails tend to be much steeper. While Terwilliger Parkway is great for both pedestrians and bicyclers, the side trails are strictly for foot traffic.
Here’s the list of Terwilliger trail connections that are at least 1/10 of a mile long, starting at the south (Barbur) end. All stated elevation changes are approximate.
- Himes Park to Iowa St. Leaving the parkway just south of Capitol Hwy, go down 0.7 miles, under Barbur and the Freeway. When you’re under I-5, be sure to take the short new side spur to a viewpoint of the Willamette. Back on the main trail, you’ll exit on Iowa St. A few more blocks takes you to Macadam Ave just north of Willamette Park. 325’ elevation change.
- You can also download the Parks Department’s topographic map of all the Himes Park trails.
- Buhler Trail to Barbur. From the trail sign at a parking pull-out, switchback 0.1 miles down to Barbur, coming out near the bus stop at the flashing crosswalk sign, across from the Rasmussen Apartments. 225’ elevation change.
- Marquam Park Trails.
Cross Terwilliger Blvd at the Marquam trail sign, just south of Hamilton, to enter this extensive trail system.
For a stretch of steady climbing, take the left trail (Flicker) at the 0.2-mile junction, then the next left branch (Warbler trail). That will take you to Fairmount Blvd, for a total of 0.8 milesand a 500’ elevation gain.
The Friends of Marquam Nature Park website.has more detail about the Marquam trails. And the first page of the West Portland Trails map includes all the Portland Parks trails from Terwilliger though Council Crest.
- Whitaker Trail. An unsigned trail down to Barbur starting on Terwilliger just south of Campus Drive. In 0.1 miles, the trail comes out at a Barbur frontage road, with short stairs going down to Barbur Blvd at Whitaker St. 100’ elevation change.
- Woods Trail. Another unsigned 0.1-mile route down to Barbur, leaving Terwilliger just north of Campus Drive. The steps on the lower section of this trail were recently reconstructed and extended by Portland Parks, SW Trails, and nearby neighbors. The trail exits at 4th Ave and Woods St, each of which lead quickly to Barbur. 100’ elevation change.
- Duniway Cut-through. If you’re heading beyond the north end of Terwilliger toward town you can reduce the ½ mile walk around the point of Duniway park to just 0.1 miles by taking the trail down from last Terwilliger parking pullout. 50’ elevation change.
Now, let us know what’s your favorite walking or jogging route including Terwilliger?