Terwilliger Parkway Grows
A few months ago, a realtor’s “For Sale” sign in Terwilliger Parkway prompted concern from neighbors and Parkway supporters, fearful that a development might threaten the integrity of this linear park. This led to calls to both Friends of Terwilliger and the Portland Parks & Rec (PPR).
The sign disappeared, but that was not the end of it. This land parcel, of almost 3 acres just north of the Chart House Restaurant, had been of interest to Parkway supporters and the City as long as twenty years ago. PP&R Natural Resource Ecologist Janelle St. Pierre reports that, partnering with the Bureau of Environmental Services, the Parks Bureau acquired the 2.94-acre property which is now part of Terwilliger Parkway.
The property met several of the preferred natural area acquisition criteria in the Parks Bureau’s Natural Resource Acquisition Strategy and was purchased using System Development charges, designated to be used to fund infrastructure expansion. In this case they were used for purchase of land to be added to a current park. The property has a currently functioning habitat with restoration potential for its forest, now only in fair condition. Adding the parcel will improve wildlife connectivity through the West Willamette Corridor, the forest between Forest Park and Tryon Creek State Park in SW Portland. A stream runs through the property thus involving the Bureau of Environmental Services watershed responsibilities. Finally, at almost 3 acres, the property is big enough to conserve ecological function and values. The attached map shows the site of this Parkway addition. Friends of Terwilliger is excited to welcome this new addition to the Terwilliger Parkway family.