The Walpole Garden, Terwilliger Parkway Native Planting Learning Center
You may have noticed on-going work here:

Friends of Terwilliger have been working with Portland Parks and Recreation (PP&R) for the past five years to restore a narrow strip (~120ft wide) of ~1 acre parkland centered around the Bancroft St right-of-way just below Terwilliger Parkway and the Marquam Hill hospitals.
After removing invasives, Friends of Terwilliger has begun creating natural log terraces and native plantings in the area exploring how to create an attractive park with viewpoints to the east of Portland, the Willamette Valley and Mt Hood that is easily maintainable. The narrow strip has a mix of microclimates that provide spaces for a variety of native plants. In collaboration with PP&R we plan to develop this area as the Frederick Walpole Garden with native plants, natural log seating areas with year-round views, a pollinator garden and labyrinth. This garden will be developed and maintained with largely volunteer efforts led by Friends of Terwilliger under supervision of PP&R Horticulturist Heike Edossa.
In 2023 we are focusing on the half acre between Terwilliger and Hamilton Terrace which includes the Bancroft right of way and the park strip to its south (see diagram). A pollinator garden in the right of way will provide a strong visual entrance while protecting the underground utilities from invasive black locust trees. To its south we will place a labyrinth and natural seating area with year-round viewpoints. In 2023 we will also be planting native shrubs on the steeper slopes both below Terwilliger walking path and above the Hamilton Terrace sidewalks.
In future years, we plan to continue with native plantings and paths in the entire 1 acre Walpole Garden with app-based guides to the plantings and their growth patterns with a particular focus on those plants documented by 19th century botanists and illustrators such as Frederick Walpole.
Friends of Terwilliger is seeking volunteers and donations both individually and through partnerships with other established organizations. If interested, contact Bob Bonner (downhillhiker@gmail.com) or visit our website for updates. Bob has been the driving force behind all the work here.
Thanks Bob!!