Restoration Work Continues in Terwilliger Parkway
We’re Back!! September is upon us and the return of our Terwilliger Parkway restoration work parties.
The ivy, blackberries, nor invasive clematis are waiting and neither are we. Friends of Terwilliger in partnership with Lewis and Clark College, Multnomah County Alternative Community Service, and neighborhood volunteers have been out in the Parkway ridding our beautiful tree canopy of invasive species. If you haven’t noticed lately, the soil is very dry which makes pulling ivy, blackberries, and clematis out of the ground very difficult. It’s even caused a few of us to be thrown off our feet as we give that darn ivy a hard yank! So we’ve been concentrating on removing the ivy and clematis that is climbing into the tree canopy and suffocating our trees. So far this month, we’ve had 3 work parties and cleared 134 trees. That’s a lot of trees giving a big sigh of relief as their heavy ivy burden has been eased.
A big thank you to all of you who braved the dry, hot conditions this month to free the trees and help preserve our wonderful green canopy.
Check out this web site soon for our next work parties, including information on No Ivy Day October 28th.