Friends of Terwilliger: An Oregon Cultural Trust Member
Match your Friends of Terwilliger charitable donation with a donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and Double your impact while earning a tax credit for 2024!

Eagle Point, the area of Terwilliger Parkway with spectacular views of the mountains to the east and the Willamette River, got a welcome clean up in July.
Did you know that you can support Friends of Terwilliger just by shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card, clicking “Donate Now” on our website, or both?
Check out these natural elements seen in Historic Terwilliger Parkway recently.
September 13, 2019 as the “Harvest” full moon rose over Mt Hood, about 50 neighbors gathered at Eagle Point for a ice cream social viewing sponsored by Friends of Terwilliger and Homestead Neighborhood Association (HNA). In 2020 we sought to continue the tradition in a Covid-19 appropriate way.
November’s restoration work party brought us back to the Norris “foundation” to remove tree and ground ivy as well as blackberries. This 2-acre site was once considered by the Portland chapter of the Rhododendron Society for its test garden before locating to its current site at Crystal Springs.
Thanks go out to all of you hearty volunteers who made the most of our calm fall weather to rid Terwilliger Parkway of those nasty invasive plants.
It’s only March and already Friends of Terwilliger’s dedicated volunteers have planted hundreds of native plants.
WOW, another year of amazing Terwilliger Parkway restoration comes to an end. December 15th was our last work party of the year. Mark your calendars for a productive 2019!!
In our last newsletter, we announced receiving a Portland Parks Foundation grant to conduct a targeted social media campaign. The object of our campaign: to engage a new, younger, generation of volunteers to help preserve Terwilliger Parkway for the future. Looking to get the word out about Terwilliger Parkway, we hope to target audiences of younger adults.
Ask Larry McLaughlin why he volunteers in Terwilliger Parkway, and he’ll say he just likes to feel he’s accomplished something worthwhile.
We just learned that the Portland Parks Foundation has awarded Friends of Terwilliger a grant to fund our new social media campaign. Want to get involved?
2018 is off to a good start as we battle invasive species, particularly that darn ivy.
We’ve hosted 5 work parties, so far this year, with volunteers coming from all over the Portland metro area as well as from around the world!
We’re Back!! September is upon us and the return of our Terwilliger Parkway restoration work parties.
Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) continues to partner in restoration grants awarded in SW Portland. As a founding member of the West Willamette Restoration Partnership (WWRP), we help define the restoration parameters to measure and areas to target for invasive plant removals, as well as coordinating and doing restoration work.