Social Media Campaign Gets Funding
We just learned that the Portland Parks Foundation has awarded Friends of Terwilliger a grant to fund our new social media campaign. Want to get involved?
We often take for granted the best things in life. It is easy to under appreciate things that have always been there for us; the ones that quietly nurture and take care of us while asking little in return. That place is Terwilliger Parkway. Friends of Terwilliger needs more volunteers to care about and protect what Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services described as “the most significant habitat, scenic, and recreation corridor in the West Hills, if not the entire city.”
We applied and won funding to help spread the word about protecting this regional resource. In the next couple of months we will be formulating a social media strategy. We will be identifying interested individuals to attend a planning meeting this summer, to help us hone our message. Here’s where you come in:
We need YOU to volunteer to help us spread our message via social media. Are you a student from a local high school, college, or university? Do you love to run, bike, or hike through a “wildlands” setting? Do you have a passion for helping to protect one of Portland’s favorite parks: Terwilliger Parkway? Then we want you!
Please contact us by clicking on the envelope at the bottom of this page: info@terwilligerfriends.org or give us a call: 503-293-1069