USS Tulsa Arrives in Portland and Takes on Ivy!
Imagine our surprise when 10 crew members from the USS Tulsa showed up, all the way from San Diego, to volunteer at our February 2023 Restoration work party!
As it turns out the crew’s ship is currently in dry dock on Swan Island undergoing repairs. And while the crew is in town, they’ve looked for opportunities to volunteer here in Portland. Lucky us, right? Many of our regular Friends of Terwilliger (FOT) volunteers worked along side this crew and helped us remove 4,000 sq feet of ivy and free 10 trees on this steep hillside. This slope is covered with our state flower, Oregon grape, and other natives like salal, sword fern, and trees such as Western Red Cedar, big leaf maple, and Douglas Fir. Removing the ivy will give many of our native plants some breathing room and space to spread.
Thanks Everyone! We’ll see you back on March 18th for our next work party.
Photos courtesy of Brendan Cloud.