Homestead Harvest Moon Photo Contest
September 13, 2019 as the “Harvest” full moon rose over Mt Hood, about 50 neighbors gathered at Eagle Point for a ice cream social viewing sponsored by Friends of Terwilliger and Homestead Neighborhood Association (HNA). In 2020 we sought to continue the tradition in a Covid-19 appropriate way.
Throughout Homestead there are many spots with wonderful views of Mt Hood. We decided to hold a photo contest in which our residents could document many of those viewpoints by taking photos of the full moonrises in September and October. In this time of Covid-19, we invited everyone in Homestead to take a moment to enjoy the natural beauty of the event along with many people around the world: a collective activity with appropriate social distancing.
The moon rose on the 5 days chosen at different times relative to sunset and positions relative to Mt Hood adding to the range of views:
Sept 1 moonrise @ 8:07pm 108 degrees (~ 12 south of Mt Hood)
Sept 2 moonrise @ 8:29pm 101 degrees (~6 south of Mt Hood)
Sept 30 moonrise @ 6:45pm 96 degrees (directly above Mt Hood)
Oct 1 moonrise @ 7:15pm 90 degrees (~ 6 north of Mt Hood)
Oct 2 moonrise @ 7:35pm 83 degrees (~ 13 north of Mt Hood)
Our jury awarded the following prize photos: 1st $100; 2nd $50; 3rd $25 and two honorable mentions.
1st: 20-G-0952-2.jpg From Kohler Pavilion Tram Platform taken by Paul Fardig
2nd 20201001_193556-1.jpg From top of Bancroft ROW taken by David Gridley
3rd Moon & Portland from Terwilliger Plaza taken by Don Jacobsen
4th 225 SW Bancroft porch taken by Abby Becker
Honorable Mention:
IMG_20200929_184836.jpg From Hamilton Playground taken by Bob Bonner
IMG_20200930_194212.jpg From Elk Point taken by Bob Bonner