Article: How Do I Love Thee Terwilliger Parkway? Let Me Count The Ways.
How Do I Love Thee Terwilliger Parkway? Let Me Count The Ways.
Posted by Robin
1. Walking.
2. Running.
3. Cycling.
4. Dog walking.
5. Goats!
Last weekend, Friends of Terwilliger were out talking with almost 100 Terwilliger Parkway users about what activity they enjoyed doing in this historical park in SW Portland, how often they visited, and what a “Parkway” means to them. Over 200 people were observed using the Parkway for recreation in the 4 hours we were present. What surprised us the most, was how many people used the Parkway DAILY; it is an integral part of their daily life. Not surprising was that every zip code in the metro area was represented as well as Bend Oregon, Montana, and Germany. We are truly, One World.
The question of a “Parkway” was meant to solicit people’s opinions and inform users about how the use of “Parkway” defines this special place; a linear park closely aligned with the road that runs through it. In the early years, it was called the South Hillside Parkway, and was designed by the Olmsted Brothers, a team of world-famous landscape architects. Frederick Law Olmsted, the founder, called “parks the ‘lungs of the city’ because they were designed to be healthful places for city residents.”
Comments we received included: “Road with ample greenery”, “fresh green space”, “safe walking in the forest”,“road with trees”, “quiet, forest, trees”, forest energy”,vehicles-people share; multi-use.”
Opinions were pretty much even regarding improving the fitness course (parcourse). Half said “yes” or “maybe” they would use it if the stations were upgraded and half said they would not.
**Special thanks to Peter DeCrescenzo for the wonderful photos, Anna Gadsby for sharing her 3 charismatic goats, and Homestead Neighborhood Assoc for co-sponsoring our event.