Volunteers Cheer Work at Walpole Garden Labyrinth
Many THANKS to the Friends of Terwilliger who showed up to improve this labyrinth at the Walpole Garden area of Historic Terwilliger Parkway.

Overseen by Portland Parks goddess Heike and FOT board member and Walpole Garden guru Bob Bonner, seventeen volunteers provided their skills, tenacity, brute strength, and a lot of sweat as we refined the edges of the labyrinth while carrying many buckets of gravel to improve this walking and contemplative area. Some folks even agreed to remove invasives in the rest of the Walpole Garden.
We hope you’ll find your way up to the labyrinth to experience the calmness and spectacular views this area provides.
We hope you take a photo of you and your friends in front of the Walpole Garden Sign covering the utility box shown here.